
$Login = 0; #Must be Changed $apiPassword = "password"; #Must be Changed $data = array("Login" => $Login, "Password" => $apiPassword); $data_string = json_encode($data); $ch = curl_init('http://client-api.instaforex.com/api/Authentication/RequestPartnerApiToken'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))); $token = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $apiMethodUrl = 'partner/GetOperationRecords/'; #possibly Must be Changed $parameters = $Login; #possibly Must be Changed. Depends on the method param $ch = curl_init('http://client-api.instaforex.com/'.$apiMethodUrl.$parameters); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false); # Turn it ON to get result to the variable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('passkey: '.$token)); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $result;

Friday, December 22, 2017

If writers stopped writing about what happened to them, then there would be a lot of empty pages.

I is for Immaculate, striving for perfection
F is for Fun, lively company

W is for Warm-hearted, filled with kindness
R is for Rebellious, going against the grain
I is for Imaginative, a creative mind
T is for Tasteful, odes of style
E is for Endearing, so loveable
R is for Refreshing, stimulating company
S is for Serene, a calming quality

S is for Sensitive, keenly perceptive
T is for Terrific, so awesome
O is for Open-hearted, filled with generosity
P is for Popular, liked by all
P is for Pensive, lost in dream
E is for Eloquent, effortlessly articulate
D is for Dear, precious to all

W is for Well-read, knowledgeable in all subjects
R is for Rare, your friendship is gold
I is for Intelligent, quick-witted
T is for Talented, gifted with ability
I is for Indefatigable, a tireless spirit
N is for Neat, carefully organized
G is for Genteel, elegantly mannered

A is for Accommodating, taking care of others' needs
B is for Blessed, gifted with much
O is for Optimistic, always staying upbeat
U is for Uplifting, so inspiring
T is for Truth, living life with honesty

W is for Winsome, filled with charm
H is for Helpful, ever willing to lend a hand
A is for Athletic, bounding with energy
T is for Trustworthy, your word is good as gold

H is for Hilarious, always comedic
A is for Amiable, so pleasant to be with
P is for Peachy, a jolly fine fellow
P is for Passionate, in all your pursuits
E is for Exemplary, a class act to follow
N is for Noble, self-sacrificing
E is for Easygoing, a breeze to get along with
D is for Discerning, a fine sense of judgement

T is for Thorough, attentive to details
O is for Original, refreshingly so

T is for Tender, a gentle soul
H is for Heady, intoxicating company
E is for Excellent, of the finest character
M is for Moral, governed by ethics

T is for Tactful, ever sensitive
H is for Honest, trustworthy and true
E is for Efficient, succeeding at tasks
N is for Nice, a sweet soul

T is for Tenacious, not one to give up
H is for Honest, so genuine
E is for Excellent, possessing great merit
R is for Rare, you are a gem
E is for Elegant, of refined style

W is for Well-versed, a master of many skills
O is for Oomph, you have a magnetic draw
U is for Unflappable, nothing keeps you down
L is for Lively, the life of the party
D is for Diligent, conscientious in duty

B is for Big-hearted, so very generous
E is for Exuberant, a bubbly presence

A is for Athletic, a sporting talent

L is for Learned, mastery of knowledge
O is for Optimistic, ever upbeat
T is for Tolerant, endless patience

O is for Open-minded, able to consider new perspectives
F is for Feisty, a spirited person

E is for Entertaining, a bundle of fun
M is for Mesmerizing, you are captivating
P is for Polite, perfectly mannered
T is for Tantalizing, thrilling the senses
Y is for Yes, always believing in yourself

P is for Peaceful, exuding a gentle calm
A is for Analytical, breaking down problems simply
G is for Good-humored, always in good cheer
E is for Eclectic, your interests are wide-ranging
S is for Sensational, ever exciting

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