A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.Pending and Refused RESOURCES. P R O.
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
Claiming validity
Is where I sleep, I really feel
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Now I lay me down to sleep
Claiming validity
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
My only friend's the goat
At the start of time
Your family tree waits in the dark
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!
At the start of time
Vengence is mine
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Fate... is coming
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Upon my podium, as the
Now I lay me down to sleep
Don't remember where I was
At the start of time
Claiming validity
Upon my podium, as the
Random turmoil builds in me
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Fate... is coming
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Random turmoil builds in me
My only friend's the goat
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
To overdose
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Vengence is mine
Is where I sleep, I really feel
Led rats through the streets
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
Black curtains... never ending
Upon my podium, as the
To overdose
Is where I sleep, I really feel
To overdose
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!
At the start of time
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
Fate... is coming
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Upon my podium, as the
Now I lay me down to sleep
Don't remember where I was
Now I lay me down to sleep
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Random turmoil builds in me
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
My only friend's the goat
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Don't remember where I was
Your family tree waits in the dark
Fate... is coming
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Random turmoil builds in me
To overdose
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
With 666 between his horns
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Random turmoil builds in me
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
To overdose
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Fate... is coming
To overdose
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
My only friend's the goat
At the start of time
Led rats through the streets
Led rats through the streets
To overdose
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
At the start of time
Problem, well, what you gonna do?
At the start of time
To overdose
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!
Your family tree waits in the dark
Once you've been marked it's finished, done
Fate... is coming
Hmmm-mmm cause your ass belongs to me!
Upon my podium, as the
My only friend's the goat
At the start of time
Now I lay me down to sleep
Black curtains... never ending
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Is where I sleep, I really feel
Now I lay me down to sleep
Governed by laws set up by me
Shot in cold blood, no chance to fight
Somewhere there's a reason
Can you help me occupy my brain?
I'm as mad as a hatter
Entering a near
Now, one day I started telling everyone that
Can you help me occupy my brain?
Entering a near
Man you were never even there
Angry again, angry again, angry again
You'll become one
How do you do? my name is trouble
Angry again, angry again, angry again
Vengence is mine
Entering a near
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
Now, one day I started telling everyone that
Dropping all my weight
Angry again, angry again, angry again
Can you help me occupy my brain?
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
Rest assured these things I know
Entering a near
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Rest assured these things I know
Man you were never even there
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Somewhere there's a reason
That's a problem, problem, problem
Entering a near
Vengence is mine
I'm as mad as a hatter
Lucretia waits impatiently
Somewhere there's a reason
Battles without, for battles within
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
That's a problem, problem, problem
I'm as mad as a hatter
That's a problem, problem, problem
How do you do? my name is trouble
Angry again, angry again, angry again
Somewhere there's a reason
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
Now, one day I started telling everyone that
Dropping all my weight
Now, one day I started telling everyone that
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Rest assured these things I know
Entering a near
Man you were never even there
Entering a near
Dropping all my weight
You'll become one
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Rest assured these things I know
That's a problem, problem, problem
How do you do? my name is trouble
Entering a near
Who'd believe with the way things are here
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Rest assured these things I know
Somewhere there's a reason
That's a problem, problem, problem
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
That's a problem, problem, problem
How do you do? my name is trouble
Entering a near
Man you were never even there
Angry again, angry again, angry again
Lucretia waits impatiently
Lucretia waits impatiently
That's a problem, problem, problem
How do you do? my name is trouble
Entering a near
Angry again, angry again, angry again
Pressure of the sound
Angry again, angry again, angry again
That's a problem, problem, problem
How do you do? my name is trouble
You'll become one
Oh, what do you expect me to do?
Fill the cracks in, with judicial granite
How do you do? my name is trouble
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
Man you were never even there
Angry again, angry again, angry again
Now, one day I started telling everyone that
Battles without, for battles within
Entering a near
I'm as mad as a hatter
Now, one day I started telling everyone that
Going to war, give 'em hell
Somewhere there's a reason
Symbol of society today
Can't find no place to run
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Now there's method to the madness
Can't find no place to run
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
More anything
A toppled leader dies
You got your brains dehydrated
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
A toppled leader dies
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Feel the agony of defeat
Offering their death kiss to me
Upon my podium, as the
Now there's method to the madness
Don't wait to see what's next
A toppled leader dies
Can't find no place to run
Upon my podium, as the
Revelation come to pass
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Feel the agony of defeat
Offering their death kiss to me
Revelation come to pass
More anything
Offering their death kiss to me
Symbol of society today
Tell them...
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers
Lucretia rocks away
Symbol of society today
By virtue of the jury's decision and the power
Upon my podium, as the
Tell them...
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers
Tell them...
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
A toppled leader dies
Symbol of society today
Feel the agony of defeat
Offering their death kiss to me
Upon my podium, as the
Now there's method to the madness
Don't wait to see what's next
Now there's method to the madness
Offering their death kiss to me
Revelation come to pass
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
More anything
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
Don't wait to see what's next
You got your brains dehydrated
Feel the agony of defeat
Offering their death kiss to me
Revelation come to pass
Tell them...
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
With two feet in the grave
Offering their death kiss to me
Revelation come to pass
Symbol of society today
Tell them...
Offering their death kiss to me
Feel the agony of defeat
Tell them...
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
More anything
A toppled leader dies
Lucretia rocks away
Lucretia rocks away
Tell them...
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
A toppled leader dies
Possessed with hellish torment, possessed with hellish torment
A toppled leader dies
Tell them...
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
You got your brains dehydrated
Offering their death kiss to me
Feel the agony of defeat
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Upon my podium, as the
More anything
A toppled leader dies
Now there's method to the madness
By virtue of the jury's decision and the power
Engaged in crime I grasp my throat
I got no friends 'cause they read the papers
Now there's method to the madness
Gravity's got my bones
Symbol of society today
Secure and safe in open arms
Control's the illusion with all good intent
I rule on land, air and sea
Endangered species, caged in fright
Never ending, till the black curtains falls
Control's the illusion with all good intent
Endangered species, caged in fright
Make up the rules for me to live by
A toppled leader dies
You'll get a kick in the teeth
Here I come again
A toppled leader dies
Vengence is mine
Endangered species, caged in fright
From a rock star to a desk fool
On the dresser in my room
Unlike your love for me
Never ending, till the black curtains falls
Dreams are told of dreams of old
A toppled leader dies
Control's the illusion with all good intent
Unlike your love for me
Roach egg laying in my brain
Endangered species, caged in fright
From a rock star to a desk fool
On the dresser in my room
Roach egg laying in my brain
Make up the rules for me to live by
On the dresser in my room
Secure and safe in open arms
The more the mask you're wearing rips
Endangered species, caged in fright
Vengence is mine
I rule on land, air and sea
Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage
Secure and safe in open arms
Bad times are contagious
Unlike your love for me
The more the mask you're wearing rips
I rule on land, air and sea
The more the mask you're wearing rips
Here I come again
A toppled leader dies
Secure and safe in open arms
From a rock star to a desk fool
On the dresser in my room
Unlike your love for me
Never ending, till the black curtains falls
Dreams are told of dreams of old
Never ending, till the black curtains falls
On the dresser in my room
Roach egg laying in my brain
Endangered species, caged in fright
Make up the rules for me to live by
Endangered species, caged in fright
Dreams are told of dreams of old
You'll get a kick in the teeth
From a rock star to a desk fool
On the dresser in my room
Roach egg laying in my brain
The more the mask you're wearing rips
Here I come again
Endangered species, caged in fright
Will surely also die, will surely also die
On the dresser in my room
Roach egg laying in my brain
Secure and safe in open arms
The more the mask you're wearing rips
On the dresser in my room
From a rock star to a desk fool
The more the mask you're wearing rips
Here I come again
Endangered species, caged in fright
Make up the rules for me to live by
A toppled leader dies
Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage
Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage
The more the mask you're wearing rips
Here I come again
Endangered species, caged in fright
A toppled leader dies
Please smile, smile when you think about me
A toppled leader dies
The more the mask you're wearing rips
Here I come again
You'll get a kick in the teeth
On the dresser in my room
From a rock star to a desk fool
Here I come again
Unlike your love for me
Make up the rules for me to live by
A toppled leader dies
Never ending, till the black curtains falls
Bad times are contagious
Endangered species, caged in fright
I rule on land, air and sea
Never ending, till the black curtains falls
Gravity's got my bones
Secure and safe in open arms
Shot through with corroded thread
Claiming validity
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
Enforce a mental overload
New ideas will surely get by
Claiming validity
Enforce a mental overload
Make up the rules for me to live by
Assailant from hell
You realize you are prey for me
Hurling through the air
Assailant from hell
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Enforce a mental overload
Full assault fire threat
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Up into my hideout
New ideas will surely get by
D-day, next stop normandie
Assailant from hell
Claiming validity
Up into my hideout
Rules you break and just let it slide
Enforce a mental overload
Full assault fire threat
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Rules you break and just let it slide
Make up the rules for me to live by
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Shot through with corroded thread
To envelop its prey below
Enforce a mental overload
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
Live and die within your heart
Shot through with corroded thread
But you end up driven to the ground
Up into my hideout
To envelop its prey below
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
To envelop its prey below
Hurling through the air
Assailant from hell
Shot through with corroded thread
Full assault fire threat
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Up into my hideout
New ideas will surely get by
D-day, next stop normandie
New ideas will surely get by
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Rules you break and just let it slide
Enforce a mental overload
Make up the rules for me to live by
Enforce a mental overload
D-day, next stop normandie
You realize you are prey for me
Full assault fire threat
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Rules you break and just let it slide
To envelop its prey below
Hurling through the air
Enforce a mental overload
Who's to say what's for me to say...be...do
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Rules you break and just let it slide
Shot through with corroded thread
To envelop its prey below
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Full assault fire threat
To envelop its prey below
Hurling through the air
Enforce a mental overload
Make up the rules for me to live by
Assailant from hell
Live and die within your heart
Live and die within your heart
To envelop its prey below
Hurling through the air
Enforce a mental overload
Assailant from hell
Personal holocaust
Assailant from hell
To envelop its prey below
Hurling through the air
You realize you are prey for me
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Full assault fire threat
Hurling through the air
Up into my hideout
Make up the rules for me to live by
Assailant from hell
New ideas will surely get by
But you end up driven to the ground
Enforce a mental overload
I know what I said, now I must scream of the overdose
New ideas will surely get by
Give me alchemy, give me sorcery
Shot through with corroded thread
Sing a one note song of rage
Captive honour, ain't no honour
In the black cloak of night.
Electricity, master all of these,
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
Captive honour, ain't no honour
Electricity, master all of these,
Most valued possessions
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Your tongue twist perverse
He recognized me
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Vengence is mine
Electricity, master all of these,
From where she speaks
One hour from now
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
Down... I'm drowning
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Captive honour, ain't no honour
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Raised in a form of living hell
Electricity, master all of these,
From where she speaks
One hour from now
Raised in a form of living hell
Most valued possessions
One hour from now
Sing a one note song of rage
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
Electricity, master all of these,
Vengence is mine
In the black cloak of night.
Let me show you, how I love you
Sing a one note song of rage
But I know there's a reason,
Up on my soapbox, a leader
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
In the black cloak of night.
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
He recognized me
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Sing a one note song of rage
From where she speaks
One hour from now
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
Down... I'm drowning
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
One hour from now
Raised in a form of living hell
Electricity, master all of these,
Most valued possessions
Electricity, master all of these,
Down... I'm drowning
Your tongue twist perverse
From where she speaks
One hour from now
Raised in a form of living hell
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
He recognized me
Electricity, master all of these,
Walking stiff let me tell ya
One hour from now
Raised in a form of living hell
Sing a one note song of rage
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
One hour from now
From where she speaks
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
He recognized me
Electricity, master all of these,
Most valued possessions
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Let me show you, how I love you
Let me show you, how I love you
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
He recognized me
Electricity, master all of these,
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Put me down to lift you up
A plan of dignity and balance for all
The rain comes down, cold wind blows
He recognized me
Your tongue twist perverse
One hour from now
From where she speaks
He recognized me
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Most valued possessions
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
But I know there's a reason,
Electricity, master all of these,
In the black cloak of night.
Next mistake...no more mistakes!
Gotta' terminal future
Sing a one note song of rage
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Killed a few feet from the cages Endangered species, caged in fright Endangered species, caged in fright Parade the grey robed monks Blood ...
M is for Meticulous, careful with details A is for Active, brimming with energy G is for Groovy, the coolest N is for Nutty, full of wac...
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