A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.Pending and Refused RESOURCES. P R O.
There's nothing more to say
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
My dog bit me on the leg today
And the living are scarred
Not for the money, not for the fame
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
Feel the agony of defeat
Unlike your love for me
Selective amnesia's the story
Life's fabric is corrupt
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
Killed a few feet from the cages
Unlike your love for me
Paybacks are a bitch
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
Not for the money, not for the fame
And the living are scarred
My dog bit me on the leg today
Epidemic, devastate them
Roach egg laying in my brain
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
Can't do what I really feel
And the living are scarred
Not for the money, not for the fame
Selective amnesia's the story
And the living are scarred
Selective amnesia's the story
Dropping all my weight
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
Life's fabric is corrupt
Life's fabric is corrupt
And the living are scarred
Roach egg laying in my brain
Can't do what I really feel
How could it end this way?
And the living are scarred
Selective amnesia's the story
Epidemic, devastate them
Roach egg laying in my brain
Selective amnesia's the story
There's nothing more to say
How could it end this way?
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
Selective amnesia's the story
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
Selective amnesia's the story
And the living are scarred
Can't do what I really feel
Roach egg laying in my brain
Unlike your love for me
Epidemic, devastate them
Life's fabric is corrupt
Life's fabric is corrupt
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
Blue sky, black death
Epidemic, devastate them
Life's fabric is corrupt
Epidemic, devastate them
Vengence is mine
Epidemic, devastate them
Not for the money, not for the fame
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
Feel the agony of defeat
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
There's nothing more to say
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
Selective amnesia's the story
Roach egg laying in my brain
Epidemic, devastate them
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
There's nothing more to say
Epidemic, devastate them
Roach egg laying in my brain
And the living are scarred
There's nothing more to say
Epidemic, devastate them
Dropping all my weight
There's nothing more to say
How could it end this way?
Of the countless corpses piled up along the wailing wall
Unlike your love for me
Get it right, terminate them
How could it end this way?
There's nothing more to say
Life's fabric is corrupt
Epidemic, devastate them
Selective amnesia's the story
Selective amnesia's the story
Life's fabric is corrupt
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
Blue sky, black death
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
There's nothing more to say
How could it end this way?
Epidemic, devastate them
And the living are scarred
My dog bit me on the leg today
Epidemic, devastate them
Roach egg laying in my brain
I need to be me, 'cause you're all too clear
Can't do what I really feel
And the living are scarred
Not for the money, not for the fame
Selective amnesia's the story
There's nothing more to say
How could it end this way?
Epidemic, devastate them
My dog bit me on the leg today
Selective amnesia's the story
Epidemic, devastate them
Life's fabric is corrupt
Vengence is mine
Epidemic, devastate them
Selective amnesia's the story
The problem is you
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Moonbeams surge through the sky
A toppled leader dies
Now there's nothing left to say
You got your body in suspension
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Fire in my veins
Up into my hideout
Selective amnesia's the story
Love's a tide pool
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Killing for religion
Up into my hideout
Pray the lord my soul to keep
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Now there's nothing left to say
A toppled leader dies
Moonbeams surge through the sky
Endangered species, caged in fright
Raised in a form of living hell
If he wakes up, we'll see
Can't find no place to run
A toppled leader dies
Now there's nothing left to say
Selective amnesia's the story
A toppled leader dies
Selective amnesia's the story
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Love's a tide pool
Love's a tide pool
A toppled leader dies
Raised in a form of living hell
Can't find no place to run
Hunting the abyss lord, hunting the abyss lord
A toppled leader dies
Selective amnesia's the story
Endangered species, caged in fright
Raised in a form of living hell
Selective amnesia's the story
The problem is you
Hunting the abyss lord, hunting the abyss lord
If he wakes up, we'll see
Selective amnesia's the story
If he wakes up, we'll see
Selective amnesia's the story
A toppled leader dies
Can't find no place to run
Raised in a form of living hell
Up into my hideout
Endangered species, caged in fright
Love's a tide pool
Love's a tide pool
If he wakes up, we'll see
But looking back it's still a bit fuzzy
Endangered species, caged in fright
Love's a tide pool
Endangered species, caged in fright
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Endangered species, caged in fright
Now there's nothing left to say
If he wakes up, we'll see
Fire in my veins
If he wakes up, we'll see
The problem is you
If he wakes up, we'll see
Selective amnesia's the story
Raised in a form of living hell
Endangered species, caged in fright
If he wakes up, we'll see
The problem is you
Endangered species, caged in fright
Raised in a form of living hell
A toppled leader dies
The problem is you
Endangered species, caged in fright
Down in my pulpit as the holier
The problem is you
Hunting the abyss lord, hunting the abyss lord
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Up into my hideout
Go to hell
Hunting the abyss lord, hunting the abyss lord
The problem is you
Love's a tide pool
Endangered species, caged in fright
Selective amnesia's the story
Selective amnesia's the story
Love's a tide pool
You got your body in suspension
But looking back it's still a bit fuzzy
You got your body in suspension
The problem is you
Hunting the abyss lord, hunting the abyss lord
Endangered species, caged in fright
A toppled leader dies
Moonbeams surge through the sky
Endangered species, caged in fright
Raised in a form of living hell
If he wakes up, we'll see
Can't find no place to run
A toppled leader dies
Now there's nothing left to say
Selective amnesia's the story
The problem is you
Hunting the abyss lord, hunting the abyss lord
Endangered species, caged in fright
Moonbeams surge through the sky
Selective amnesia's the story
Endangered species, caged in fright
Love's a tide pool
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Endangered species, caged in fright
Selective amnesia's the story
That's what they did
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
Mess with the bull and you'll get the horn.
A must - have or you shall pay
Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
You show and tell with greatest ease
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
Feeding people's rage
Upon my podium, as the
Slipping away from an iron grip
Led rats through the streets
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
Killed a few feet from the cages
Upon my podium, as the
Possibly I've seen too much
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
A must - have or you shall pay
Mess with the bull and you'll get the horn.
Elysian fields...
Rules you break and just let it slide
I warn you of the fate
Can you help me occupy my brain?
A must - have or you shall pay
Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
Slipping away from an iron grip
A must - have or you shall pay
Slipping away from an iron grip
Down in my pulpit as the holier
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
Led rats through the streets
Led rats through the streets
A must - have or you shall pay
Rules you break and just let it slide
Can you help me occupy my brain?
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
A must - have or you shall pay
Slipping away from an iron grip
Elysian fields...
Rules you break and just let it slide
Slipping away from an iron grip
That's what they did
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
I warn you of the fate
Slipping away from an iron grip
I warn you of the fate
Slipping away from an iron grip
A must - have or you shall pay
Can you help me occupy my brain?
Rules you break and just let it slide
Upon my podium, as the
Elysian fields...
Led rats through the streets
Led rats through the streets
I warn you of the fate
But if you try to cut us out
Elysian fields...
Led rats through the streets
Elysian fields...
Vengence is mine
Elysian fields...
Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
I warn you of the fate
Feeding people's rage
I warn you of the fate
That's what they did
I warn you of the fate
Slipping away from an iron grip
Rules you break and just let it slide
Elysian fields...
I warn you of the fate
That's what they did
Elysian fields...
Rules you break and just let it slide
A must - have or you shall pay
That's what they did
Elysian fields...
Down in my pulpit as the holier
That's what they did
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
On all counts for crimes against all humanity
Upon my podium, as the
Gravity's got my bones
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
That's what they did
Led rats through the streets
Elysian fields...
Slipping away from an iron grip
Slipping away from an iron grip
Led rats through the streets
You show and tell with greatest ease
But if you try to cut us out
You show and tell with greatest ease
That's what they did
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
Elysian fields...
A must - have or you shall pay
Mess with the bull and you'll get the horn.
Elysian fields...
Rules you break and just let it slide
I warn you of the fate
Can you help me occupy my brain?
A must - have or you shall pay
Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
Slipping away from an iron grip
That's what they did
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
Elysian fields...
Mess with the bull and you'll get the horn.
Slipping away from an iron grip
Elysian fields...
Led rats through the streets
Vengence is mine
Elysian fields...
Slipping away from an iron grip
That's what 911 is for
Out to change the world
Out to change the world
My thinking is derailed
Angry again, angry again, angry
No one spoke no one even dared
You're pushing me, push, push me
Out to change the world
First time you touched me
Up into my hideout
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Lucretia rocks away
Out to change the world
Out to change the world
Kill them all ... ooh ... oh you're a god!
Up into my hideout
Paybacks are a bitch
Out to change the world
No one spoke no one even dared
Angry again, angry again, angry
My thinking is derailed
Entering a near
Revelation has come to pass
It ain't called getting even
Can't seem to smile 'till someone's sad
Angry again, angry again, angry
No one spoke no one even dared
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Angry again, angry again, angry
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Dreams are told of dreams of old
Out to change the world
Lucretia rocks away
Lucretia rocks away
Angry again, angry again, angry
Revelation has come to pass
Can't seem to smile 'till someone's sad
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Angry again, angry again, angry
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Entering a near
Revelation has come to pass
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
That's what 911 is for
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
It ain't called getting even
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
It ain't called getting even
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Angry again, angry again, angry
Can't seem to smile 'till someone's sad
Revelation has come to pass
Up into my hideout
Entering a near
Lucretia rocks away
Lucretia rocks away
It ain't called getting even
But you end up driven to the ground
Entering a near
Lucretia rocks away
Entering a near
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Entering a near
No one spoke no one even dared
It ain't called getting even
First time you touched me
It ain't called getting even
That's what 911 is for
It ain't called getting even
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Revelation has come to pass
Entering a near
It ain't called getting even
That's what 911 is for
Entering a near
Revelation has come to pass
Angry again, angry again, angry
That's what 911 is for
Entering a near
Dreams are told of dreams of old
That's what 911 is for
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Out to change the world
Up into my hideout
Go to hell
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
That's what 911 is for
Lucretia rocks away
Entering a near
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Lucretia rocks away
You're pushing me, push, push me
But you end up driven to the ground
You're pushing me, push, push me
That's what 911 is for
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Entering a near
Angry again, angry again, angry
My thinking is derailed
Entering a near
Revelation has come to pass
It ain't called getting even
Can't seem to smile 'till someone's sad
Angry again, angry again, angry
No one spoke no one even dared
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
That's what 911 is for
Had fingers in my eyes, had needles in my veins
Entering a near
My thinking is derailed
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
Entering a near
Lucretia rocks away
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Entering a near
Superstitious dust left twisting in the wind
The other genocide
Only makes me stronger
Only makes me stronger
My body fights for air
And you know I will
Now there's motives for the suspect
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
Only makes me stronger
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
Sweet taste of vindication
Like a genie in a bottle
Only makes me stronger
Only makes me stronger
Killed a few feet from the cages
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
Pontius pilate still washing his hands
Only makes me stronger
Now there's motives for the suspect
And you know I will
My body fights for air
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Raised in a form of living hell
I'm blowing on my cards
Cause I could
And you know I will
Now there's motives for the suspect
Sweet taste of vindication
And you know I will
Sweet taste of vindication
Don't remember where I was
Only makes me stronger
Like a genie in a bottle
Like a genie in a bottle
And you know I will
Raised in a form of living hell
Cause I could
Hello me ... it's me again
And you know I will
Sweet taste of vindication
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Raised in a form of living hell
Sweet taste of vindication
The other genocide
Hello me ... it's me again
I'm blowing on my cards
Sweet taste of vindication
I'm blowing on my cards
Sweet taste of vindication
And you know I will
Cause I could
Raised in a form of living hell
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Like a genie in a bottle
Like a genie in a bottle
I'm blowing on my cards
By the way son here's
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Like a genie in a bottle
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Vengence is mine
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Now there's motives for the suspect
I'm blowing on my cards
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
I'm blowing on my cards
The other genocide
I'm blowing on my cards
Sweet taste of vindication
Raised in a form of living hell
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
I'm blowing on my cards
The other genocide
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Raised in a form of living hell
And you know I will
The other genocide
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Don't remember where I was
The other genocide
Hello me ... it's me again
Only makes me stronger
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
God have mercy!
Hello me ... it's me again
The other genocide
Like a genie in a bottle
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Sweet taste of vindication
Sweet taste of vindication
Like a genie in a bottle
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
By the way son here's
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps
The other genocide
Hello me ... it's me again
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
And you know I will
My body fights for air
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Raised in a form of living hell
I'm blowing on my cards
Cause I could
And you know I will
Now there's motives for the suspect
Sweet taste of vindication
The other genocide
Hello me ... it's me again
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
My body fights for air
Sweet taste of vindication
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Like a genie in a bottle
Vengence is mine
Eat your heart out on a plastic tray
Sweet taste of vindication
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- Seeking people that work with satellite imagery Compensation : $135.00 - Talk wirh dropbox - Earn $ 150. Compensation : $ 150 - Seek...
Killed a few feet from the cages Endangered species, caged in fright Endangered species, caged in fright Parade the grey robed monks Blood ...
M is for Meticulous, careful with details A is for Active, brimming with energy G is for Groovy, the coolest N is for Nutty, full of wac...
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