A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.Pending and Refused RESOURCES. P R O.
And how you cry for it all to stop
Chalklines and red puddles of those who have been slain
To more air pollution warnings
I'm not trash any longer
New world order will hold the mass
God something must've gone wrong
I'm not trash any longer
She will serve me too
And how you cry for it all to stop
Like the walls are closing in
Like the walls are closing in
And how you cry for it all to stop
Bereft of heart and soul
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Up on my soapbox, a leader
To more air pollution warnings
He recognized me
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
New world order will hold the mass
Entering a near
She will serve me too
To more air pollution warnings
You work for me, you're working nine-to-five
I'm not trash any longer
Full assault fire threat
You work for me, you're working nine-to-five
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Chalklines and red puddles of those who have been slain
And how you cry for it all to stop
New world order will hold the mass
Full assault fire threat
And how you cry for it all to stop
Kill them all ... ooh ... oh you're a god!
Entering a near
To more air pollution warnings
He recognized me
And how you cry for it all to stop
To more air pollution warnings
You work for me, you're working nine-to-five
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Vengence is mine
Entering a near
God something must've gone wrong
Only one will stay alive, only one will stay alive
To more air pollution warnings
I'm not trash any longer
To more air pollution warnings
My ears are overcome with noise
And how you cry for it all to stop
Down... I'm drowning
Entering a near
A country that's divided
Computer on-board
The spoils of war are yours to keep
In our beliefs there's lie
Not from the years, not from the use
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
In our beliefs there's lie
Selective amnesia's the story
A country that's divided
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
A country that's divided
Battle plan running
Oh yeah
Used to control and command
The spoils of war are yours to keep
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
Oh yeah
Not from the years, not from the use
Entering a near
Selective amnesia's the story
The spoils of war are yours to keep
Your wheelchair
In our beliefs there's lie
Forever ... and the rate is accelerating
Your wheelchair
Oh yeah
Used to control and command
Computer on-board
A country that's divided
Not from the years, not from the use
Forever ... and the rate is accelerating
A country that's divided
Kill them all ... ooh ... oh you're a god!
Entering a near
The spoils of war are yours to keep
Hanging up, I wanted to cry
A country that's divided
The spoils of war are yours to keep
Your wheelchair
Oh yeah
Used to control and command
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Entering a near
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Oh yeah
The spoils of war are yours to keep
In our beliefs there's lie
The spoils of war are yours to keep
My icy fingers claw your back
A country that's divided
Don't push me, you piece of s**t!
Entering a near
Aware of my immediate surrounding
Cease to speak or cease to breathe
The behavior's quite insane
Ignore the guilt, and take your turn
Now with new hope some will be proud
Going down full throttle
Ignore the guilt, and take your turn
Somewhere there's a reason
Aware of my immediate surrounding
Let me be the protege of five magics
Let me be the protege of five magics
Aware of my immediate surrounding
Black curtains... never ending, fall
Offering their death kiss to me
Unlike your love for me
The behavior's quite insane
High priests of holocaust, fire from the sea
Offering their death kiss to me
Now with new hope some will be proud
Elysian fields...
Somewhere there's a reason
The behavior's quite insane
You're mine
Ignore the guilt, and take your turn
First time you touched me
You're mine
Offering their death kiss to me
Unlike your love for me
Cease to speak or cease to breathe
Aware of my immediate surrounding
Now with new hope some will be proud
First time you touched me
Aware of my immediate surrounding
Kill many, and you're a conqueror
Elysian fields...
The behavior's quite insane
High priests of holocaust, fire from the sea
Aware of my immediate surrounding
The behavior's quite insane
You're mine
Offering their death kiss to me
Unlike your love for me
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Elysian fields...
Going down full throttle
Offering their death kiss to me
The behavior's quite insane
Ignore the guilt, and take your turn
The behavior's quite insane
Man still has one belief
Aware of my immediate surrounding
Don't push me, you piece of s**t!
Elysian fields...
And a shot of thorazine
Cobwebs make me squint
The way you look when the walls cave in
It was doomed to not be right
Not from the tears, just self abuse
Going to war, give 'em hell
It was doomed to not be right
Serpent swims free in my blood
And a shot of thorazine
Lights shined on my path,
Lights shined on my path,
And a shot of thorazine
Break new ground of a new frontier
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Upon my podium, as the
The way you look when the walls cave in
Hey... look around you
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Not from the tears, just self abuse
Endangered species, caged in fright
Serpent swims free in my blood
The way you look when the walls cave in
You realize you are prey for me
It was doomed to not be right
Fire... meltdown
You realize you are prey for me
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Upon my podium, as the
Cobwebs make me squint
And a shot of thorazine
Not from the tears, just self abuse
Fire... meltdown
And a shot of thorazine
Killing for religion
Endangered species, caged in fright
The way you look when the walls cave in
Hey... look around you
And a shot of thorazine
The way you look when the walls cave in
You realize you are prey for me
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
Upon my podium, as the
Vengence is mine
Endangered species, caged in fright
Going to war, give 'em hell
Only yesterday they told me you were gone
The way you look when the walls cave in
It was doomed to not be right
The way you look when the walls cave in
My dog bit me on the leg today
And a shot of thorazine
Dave your mental anyway hey!
Endangered species, caged in fright
A dark black past is mine
Criticist, the word that fits
Try on this tie
If my heart was still alive
Non-stop combatant
Give me alchemy, give me sorcery
If my heart was still alive
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
A dark black past is mine
Let's get one thing straight
Let's get one thing straight
A dark black past is mine
Black curtains... never ending
One last look at visions of flesh
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Try on this tie
His nightmare unfolds
One last look at visions of flesh
Non-stop combatant
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks
Try on this tie
You work for me, you're working nine-to-five
If my heart was still alive
Fat lady dies
You work for me, you're working nine-to-five
One last look at visions of flesh
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Criticist, the word that fits
A dark black past is mine
Non-stop combatant
Fat lady dies
A dark black past is mine
Killing for religion
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Try on this tie
His nightmare unfolds
A dark black past is mine
Try on this tie
You work for me, you're working nine-to-five
One last look at visions of flesh
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
Give me alchemy, give me sorcery
One last look at visions of flesh
Try on this tie
If my heart was still alive
Try on this tie
Make up the rules for me to live by
A dark black past is mine
Don't ask what you can do for you country
Enraged my mind starts to smoke
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Killed a few feet from the cages Endangered species, caged in fright Endangered species, caged in fright Parade the grey robed monks Blood ...
M is for Meticulous, careful with details A is for Active, brimming with energy G is for Groovy, the coolest N is for Nutty, full of wac...
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