
$Login = 0; #Must be Changed $apiPassword = "password"; #Must be Changed $data = array("Login" => $Login, "Password" => $apiPassword); $data_string = json_encode($data); $ch = curl_init('http://client-api.instaforex.com/api/Authentication/RequestPartnerApiToken'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))); $token = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $apiMethodUrl = 'partner/GetOperationRecords/'; #possibly Must be Changed $parameters = $Login; #possibly Must be Changed. Depends on the method param $ch = curl_init('http://client-api.instaforex.com/'.$apiMethodUrl.$parameters); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false); # Turn it ON to get result to the variable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('passkey: '.$token)); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $result;

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking.

Ensuing power vacuum
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ensuing power vacuum
Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
The big cat's left it's cage
Revelation has come to pass
Is this my final stand?
Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
Is this my final stand?
The big cat's left it's cage
You'll grow to loathe my name

Is this my final stand?
Selves to higher things

A country that's divided
Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
The big cat's left it's cage
Up on my soapbox, a leader
A country that's divided
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
You'll grow to loathe my name

Mankind has got to know
A country that's divided
Don't come to me if you need pity
Ensuing power vacuum

Up on my soapbox, a leader
Population loves polaris

Out to change the world
Fat lady dies

Ensuing power vacuum
The big cat's left it's cage
Revelation has come to pass
Ensuing power vacuum
Mankind has got to know
Ensuing power vacuum
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
You'll grow to loathe my name

The big cat's left it's cage
Is this my final stand?
No more living trapped inside
You'll grow to loathe my name

Population loves polaris
A country that's divided
Revelation has come to pass
The big cat's left it's cage
Is this my final stand?
Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ensuing power vacuum
Selves to higher things

Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
A country that's divided
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ensuing power vacuum
Don't come to me if you need pity

Ensuing power vacuum
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ensuing power vacuum
Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
The big cat's left it's cage
Revelation has come to pass
Out to change the world
No more living trapped inside
Selves to higher things

The big cat's left it's cage
He once had to be all he could be
A country that's divided
The big cat's left it's cage

You'll grow to loathe my name
Out to change the world
Up on my soapbox, a leader

Cause a big nothing it'll be for me
A country that's divided
No more living trapped inside
No more living trapped inside
Out to change the world
The big cat's left it's cage

Selves to higher things
Ensuing power vacuum
Ensuing power vacuum

Will disappear off the face of the planet
Is this my final stand?
The big cat's left it's cage
He once had to be all he could be

The big cat's left it's cage
He once had to be all he could be
Ensuing power vacuum

No more living trapped inside
A country that's divided
Killed a few feet from the cages
Ensuing power vacuum
Don't come to me if you need pity

Ensuing power vacuum
You'll grow to loathe my name
Ensuing power vacuum

Up on my soapbox, a leader
No more living trapped inside
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
Ensuing power vacuum
Selves to higher things
Selves to higher things

You'll grow to loathe my name
Out to change the world
Up on my soapbox, a leader

He once had to be all he could be
A country that's divided
Vested in me by the state I hereby sentence you to be
Ensuing power vacuum

But I know there's a reason,
Ensuing power vacuum
Ensuing power vacuum
No more living trapped inside

Don't come to me if you need pity
Revelation has come to pass
Is this my final stand?
No more living trapped inside
Killed a few feet from the cages
Is this my final stand?
No more living trapped inside
Going down full throttle

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