A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.Pending and Refused RESOURCES. P R O.
Friday, September 1, 2017
No matter how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer It has chosen.
N is for Neat, carefully organized
O is for Original, an independent thinker
M is for Modest, humility is your virtue
A is for Altruistic, you place others before yourself
T is for Tantalizing, thrilling the senses
T is for Terrific, so awesome
E is for Enchanting, most alluring
R is for Ravishing, an entrancing beauty
H is for Hip, ahead of the times
O is for Obliging, willing to accommodate
W is for Wholesome, full of goodness
S is for Selfless, placing others before self
L is for Laidback, you have a relaxed charm
O is for Original, refreshingly so
W is for Whimsical, delightfully spontaneous
T is for Tasteful, odes of style
H is for Heady, intoxicating company
E is for Elegant, so graceful
F is for Fervent, strongly passionate
I is for Important, an asset to society
L is for Likeable, instantly pleasing
M is for Magical, you make the impossible happen
S is for Sanguine, always looking up
P is for Picturesque, strikingly beautiful
I is for Intelligent, quick-witted
R is for Reflective, always thoughtful
I is for Independent, an original thinker
T is for Talented, gifted with ability
A is for Attentive, paying heed to others' needs
L is for Learned, mastery of knowledge
W is for Worthy, your friendship is a gift
A is for Alluring, so attractive
Y is for Yummy, so delectable
S is for Spectacular, truly remarkable
S is for Sincere, staying true
T is for Tenacious, not one to give up
A is for Alluring, so attractive
N is for Nice, a sweet soul
D is for Diligent, conscientious in duty
S is for Sensible, you always do the right thing
S is for Steady, a loyal pal
T is for Tender, a gentle soul
I is for Intelligent, quickness of mind
L is for Lively, the life of the party
L is for Loyal, a worthy friend
L is for Lovable, to know you is to love you
O is for Optimistic, ever upbeat
N is for Noble, self-sacrificing
G is for Graceful, exuding elegance
E is for Elegant, so graceful
N is for Noteworthy, having remarkable achivements
O is for Outstanding, excelling beyond others
U is for Uber, simply outstanding
G is for Good-natured, a sweet person
H is for Humorous, sparkling wit
F is for Frank, honest and forthcoming
O is for Open-hearted, filled with generosity
R is for Reasonable, ever sensible
T is for Tolerant, endless patience
H is for Humorous, spreading laughter around
E is for Enchanting, most alluring
P is for Phenomenal, an amazing person
H is for Helpful, ever willing to lend a hand
O is for Original, pioneering in thought
T is for Truth, living life with honesty
O is for Open-minded, receptive to new ideas
G is for Graceful, exuding elegance
R is for Ravishing, an entrancing beauty
A is for Alluring, so attractive
P is for Picturesque, strikingly beautiful
H is for Honorable, full of virtue
E is for Enriching, bettering others
R is for Ravishing, an entrancing beauty
I is for Illuminating, a fount of knowledge
T is for Thorough, attentive to details
H is for Hilarious, always comedic
A is for Amiable, so pleasant to be with
S is for Sacred, a dear treasure
C is for Clever, quick with good ideas
H is for Heady, you make me dizzy with excitement
O is for Original, ahead of the curve
S is for Skillful, ever up to the task
E is for Eloquent, effortlessly articulate
N is for Nurturing, you bring out the good in people
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Killed a few feet from the cages Endangered species, caged in fright Endangered species, caged in fright Parade the grey robed monks Blood ...
M is for Meticulous, careful with details A is for Active, brimming with energy G is for Groovy, the coolest N is for Nutty, full of wac...
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